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Everything you need to know about beard and mustache implantation is on this page! Beard and mustache are the most important part of a masculine image. In puberty, it is expected to have beard and mustache with appropriate intensity on these areas. So what can you do if they are congenitally absent or disappeared due to injury? Since hair transplantation becomes easier and rapidly increased in Turkey and globally through affordable costs, beard and mustache implantation has also come to the agenda.

BEARD TRANSPLANTATION Men have resorted to many methods for beard that does not grow due to some genetic or different reasons even in ancient times as well as today. This condition directs men to prefer beard transplant as the most efficient way to have bushy beard. Hair transplantation is done through permanent and painless methods; therefore beard transplantation is also performed through a painless and successful method allowing many men to embed rare beards into the history. INITIAL STAGE OF BEARD TRANSPLANTATION As in each procedure decided, it is especially necessary to make a transplantation decision in beard transplant and consult a doctor. At this stage, the doctor referred for beard transplant informs the patient about the facial shape and characteristics of the individual, the regions and method of the beard transplantation according to the structure of his face. As a result of the decision taken on the basis of the information given, the beard transplant is assured by discussing the number of beard transplants and cost of the procedure. Consequently, the procedure of bread transplant is decided. THE PROGRESS TOWARDS NORMAL APPEARANCE OF THE FACE AFTER BEARD TRANSPLANTATION One of the process norms that occur in every procedure in human life is the abnormal but also natural conditions on the procedure areas. One of such natural conditions in the beard transplantation process is the abnormal conditions that occur in the area of transplantation. The first of these abnormalities is the blood stains in the area where the beard is planted. Although these spots do not completely disappear in first face washing, they disappear in the second wash. The second condition is the blood supply to the lower part of the beard area. This hematoma and redness on the bread transplant area provides strengthening and permanence of the beard. The redness that occurs on the underside of the skin lasts for two weeks and disappears towards the end of the second week. Finally, it is seen that the beard transplanted on the face is shed and cleaned. After 6-7 months of this cleaning, permanent facial beard is seen on the facial area after beard transplantation. METHODS USED FOR BEARD TRANSPLANTATION Today, it is seen that beard transplantation is performed with different methods in order to have the desired appearance with the desired level of beard transplantation. The first method appeared is FUT transplantation method. This method is the first method used for beard transplantation as well as hair transplantation. Hair and beard transplantation by FUT causes redness, stains and severe pain on donor areas including the nape. Therefore, this method is not much preferred. The FUE beard transplantation method which was developed after FUT beard transplantation method through developed technology is most preferred method. FUE beard transplantation procedure which does not cause redness, stains and severe pain on the donor areas including the nape enables each individual who wants beard transplantation but has concerns due to fear and negative consequences to have blushy beards easily and painlessly INITIATION OF MOUSTACHE TRANSPLANTATION PROCESS The first stage is determinate of the number of roots to be taken for the mustache. After clarification of the number, the facial contours of the mustache are determined and the process is started with method determined for mustache transplantation. MUSTACHE TRANSPLANTATION METHODS In terms of historical dimensions, it is seen that the history of mustache transplantation is old. Depending on the technology and health services developed from the past to the present day, there are many convenience and developments in mustache transplantation. The most preferred methods of mustache cultivation is FUT and FUE transplantation. MUSTACHE TRANSPLANTATION STAGE Local anesthesia is applied to transplantation area. Transplantation is started on the anaesthetized area. It is recommended not to talk much during the first three days after the planting process, as the upper lip and mustache area are sensitive. In addition, it facilitates the healing process of the patient who needs to rest. Pain and throbbing discomfort are relieved by antibiotics and other drugs which will be prescribed by the physician. HOW LONG DOES MUSTACHE TRANSPLANTATION TAKE? The procedure is completed in one session depending on the number of roots to be planted at the beginning stage. After onset of the transplantation procedure, the result is obtained after two weeks. At the end of the second week, the transplanted roots are shed. This means that the initial process of the roots where mustache would grow occurs. After 8 to 10 weeks, the process is completed by attachment of hair follicles at the end of 4-6 months. POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES IN MUSTACHE TRANSPLANTATION Mustache transplantation process yields a high rate of yield in general, with rare adverse events in some exceptional cases. One of these negativities is the fact that the transplanted beards do not grow. As a matter of fact, this condition causes psychological wearing of the patient who has mustache transplantation. Another disadvantage caused by mustache transplantation is that the roots do not grow at the desired level at the end of the process and the empty area remains in the mustache area. In this case, a secondary mustache transplantation procedure is performed. HOW LONG DO BEARD AND MUSTACHE TRANSPLANTATION PROCEDURES LAST? The procedure lasts about 6 hours depending on the procedure area. WHAT SHOULD BE CARED AFTER BEARD AND MUSTACHE TRANSPLANTATION? Just like in hair transplantation, it is necessary to adhere to procedure called first washing. Your doctor will give you painkillers to relieve the pain. Beard, eyebrow and mustache transplantation will crust and be shed within the first 15 days. You should use the medications prescribed by the doctor in case of itching. Beard and mustache transplantation procedures are similar to hair transplantation; however the only difference is requirement of a careful performance due to small areas. WHEN DO BEARD AND MUSTACHE GROW FOLLOWING TRANSPLANTATION? You start to see the results within first 6 months. After 12 to 15 months, your beard and mustache grows as desired. One of the most important points in beard and mustache transplantation is the direction of transplantation. Beard and mustache have specific growth direction and angle. You should make sure to work with specialists on the field.

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