On this page you will find all information about arm stretching, arm aesthetics and sagging treatment. Rapid weight gain or loss of quality due to aging of the arm skin sagging is an aesthetically undesirable image. To get rid of this image, it is necessary to make exercise regularly for a long time. However, because the skin of the arm is very resistant, you can usually get rid of this problem permanently with the arm stretching operation. The basic steps of arm stretching can be done to anyone in need, regardless of male or female.
AM I ELIGIBLE FOR BRACHIOPLASTY? The arm lift aesthetic is usually a procedure performed on the upper arm. If the fat and skin tissue in your upper arm is disproportionately high compared to your lower arm, you are a suitable candidate for arm stretching. Arm lift surgery is often performed simultaneously with liposuction procedures. It is best to decide this situation with the opinion of the doctor. HOW IS BRACHIOPLASTY PERFORMED? The arm lift operation is performed under general anaesthesia, and the pain management given afterwards is for the comfort of the patient. During the arm lift operation, a long incision is made from the inner lower part of the arm. Excess fat, inner skin tissue and skin is removed and a fine stitch is made. These sutures are absorbable and made with medical threads that disappear over time. The doctor determines the amount of tissue and skin to be taken during the procedure according to the sagging condition of the arm. All of these procedures are performed by the plastic surgeon. WILL ANY SCAR FORM AFTER BRACHIOPLASTY? After the arm stretching operation, a slight scar remains. However, this scar is hidden inside of the arm which is not visible when viewed from the front or rear. You can easily choose clothes or short-sleeved clothes. Permission visibility decreases over time. AFTER BRACHIOPLASTY The arm lift procedure lasts for 1 hour. You may continue your normal social life after one week. You should not smoke during the healing process after the arm lift operation, to avoid arm movements that will damage the sutures in the first process and to wear your armband in a stable manner. It is recommended that you leave after learning the procedures that you should do after arm lift.