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Everything you want to know about sapphire percutaneous hair transplantation and answers to your questions are at Maya Estetik! The number of people who have hair transplantation is increasing day by day and hair transplantation technologies are coming after him. The old methods are replaced by painless, painless, more comfortable methods that provide maximum results. The methods that donate the least damage to the transplanted areas are preferred. Sapphire Percutaneous Hair Transplantation is the last advanced method.

WHAT IS THE ADVANTAGE OF SAPPHIRE PERCUTANEOUS HAIR TRANSPLANT? Sapphire percutaneous hair transplantation is a version of Fue method with a less painful process. Sapphire is obtained from the precious sapphire mine used in the Fue method. This sapphire tip replaces the metal slit in the normal Fue method. Briefly, the Sapphire FUE method is not a different technique. This is an advanced version of the grooving tip technology used during current FUE method. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NORMAL FUE TIPS AND SAPPHIRE FUE TIPS

  • As sapphire FUE is sharper, antibacterial and robust, damage to the scalp during grooving is much less than metal slit.

  • Due to thinner diameter of the sapphire tip, hair transplantation may be performed more frequently, while the number of grafts is limited in the metal slit.

  • More frequent graft implantation results in stronger looking hair.

  • Edema and crusting after application is much less than metal slit tip.

  • Fast and comfortable recovery.

  • Hair planted with Sapphire Fue leaves the angles unchanged due to the perfect channel. This eliminates unpleasant surprises after planting.

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